Back to School
Wednesday 13th January
Extra Mural Demos
Monday 18th to Friday 22nd January
3D Recycled House Construction
Wednesday 27th January
Valentines Dress Up Day and Picnic
Friday 12th February
Hooked on Books Show
Wednesday 17th February
Mid Term Break
School Closes Thursday 25th February
School Reopens Tuesday 2nd March
Holiday Programme Available
(R80 Per Child)
Hearing and Eye Tests
Monday 8th to Friday 12th March
Sports Day
1 - 3 year olds Thursday 25th March
3 - 6 year olds Friday 26th March
Easter Dress Up and Easter Egg Hunt
Thursday 1st April
Parents Evening
Monday 12th - Tuesday 13th April
Break Up Day and Fairy Tale Dress up Picnic
Wednesday 14th April
Holiday Care
Thursdsay 15th April - Friday 30th April